Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Santa Pic Fail LINK UP


This is my first link up I've ever participated in.

Because, deep down, I know I'm a Blog Mom at heart!
I may have gotten a slow start on this thing, but look at me now...
I'm Instagramming, Hashtagging, Keeking, Taking names, Kicking asses, and now Linking Up!

Count me in, ladies!! (Ooops, and Chris!)
...cos I wanna do what all you cool kids are doing!

The pictures I'm about to share are honestly, in my opinion, not failures.
I think it's a must, actually, to have the baby crying on Santa's lap for at least one year.
(Beyond one year of these shenanigans is just overdramatic!)
      - I kid, I kid....I think every year, up until age 13, you should have a picture of your kid screaming and    
        bawling on Santa's lap!
And I also like to look at the Santa's face to see if the look of shear terror of dropping the screaming kid is in their eyes...

My son, Royce is now 15 months old.
So, his first Christmas he was completely oblivious to the fact that a big fat person in a stylish red velour suit with a beard was, in fact, not his mother.
"I knew I didn't smell booby milk!"

"Da eff you say, Santa??"

So, at 15 months, mommy's lost some weight, changed to red satin suits and shaved the beard so there ain't no mistaking Santa for me!!
So far we've encountered Santa twice this Christmas season.
The first time, we were at our local Walmart (aka, our mall) and we had to go back to the Site-to-Store area and "Santa" was just randomly sitting there, declaring we could get a free 5x7 of "him sittin' awn Santa's layup". (Wow! I didn't know Santa had such a thick southern accent!)
Since there were no other associates around (SHOCKER!!!) to conveniently take the picture, I said I'd just test out how Royce would do and snap some pictures on my phone.
I can't say I blame Royce, I'd cry too for a less than mediocre Santa!

The very next day was a Kid's Christmas party we were invited to.

At least he doesn't do the full on bawl!
He just pouts and and puffs and whines and reaches for momma!
Too cute! :)

We have one more meet-up with Santa yet this year and we're done...
3rd times a charm perhpas?!?!



  1. Love the pout! My kids are obsessed with Santa so I have to live through you guys to get my laughs for the year!

    1. As "traumatizing" as it might be, it's 100% adorable to get the pouty, bawling pics with Santa!!

  2. Aw the pout picture is sad! No full on bawl...yet! LOL My daughter would SCREAM when she was younger...not because of "Santa" but because of his gloves - she was always afraid of anyone wearing white gloves.

    Cute blog! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm already wondering how my son will be with Santa next year, at a little over 2 years old. I feel that from 1-2, maybe even 3 years old, it's very touch and go! Haha,
      My little cousin, when she was like 2 was also terrified of gloves! If anyone put a pair f gloves on, homegirl w not coming near you! I wonder why!!

  3. Look at you! Doing link ups! Go Kyra! Aww! I love the comparison of the pictures! I wish we would've taken Annaliese to see Santa when she was just 2 months old...but circumstances didn't allow it. Annaliese still fussed and wined this time, but thanks to Mommy and Daddy making a complete ass of ourselves, we were able to get a slight smile for a picture :) lol

    1. I know, right?!? Haha!

      The one y'all got of Annaliese is great! She doesn't look scared or phased by Santa at all! Way to go, mom and dad!!

  4. How sweet. I love the pictures. This was a great link-up to be your first. Best.idea.ever! Everyone loves Santa!

    1. thanks Heather!! I was stoked to finally do one!! :)

  5. Hey girl Hey! What do you do for exercise? I'm glad you love Ellen as much as I do :)

    1. I adore Ellen and am just waiting for her to call me to be on the show!!

      My exercise as of late basically consists of running. Starting this Monday, I'll be training for my half marathon so that will include 4 days of running and one day of cross training a week!
