Monday, September 16, 2013

My middle name is "Whirlwind"!

So, last Monday, I laid some heavy stuff on y'all!!

Just a few updates!

Baby Jase:
His catherization was last Thursday.
It went well.
Now they are just waiting to hear when his heart surgery will be.

Baby Gabriel:
They took his feeding tube out.
Breast feeding and bottle feeding have not been going great, but they are committed to really working at it!

I went up to be with my friend, Kelly in Pennsylvania from last Tuesday to Thursday.
During that time, Tony opened his eyes, spoke his name, Kelly's name, and followed commands.
He's made great progress and as of yesterday, was able to take his feeding tube out and start on a liquid diet.
Their September 28th wedding has been postponed and they are both handling it well.
Right now, their biggest priority is Tony's road to recovery

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers!
I was pretty sick of hearing cruddy news, but it feels like these situations are starting to look up!

This weekend, I had the Color Run in Richmond, VA.
A group of us from the running group where I live were all doing it and 2 of my very best friends from Pennsylvania came down to run it with me!
We had a blast!

And how sweet are our group's running shirts?!? The lines on the tread of the shoe are the names of the roads we run on in our town. Love them so much!!

The rest of the weekend was filled with 2 different birthday parties and this little Mama trying to catch up on sleep!

This week will prove to be just as busy.
My son's 2nd birthday is this coming Sunday so we'll be having his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party then.
Someone please tell me why a birthday party entails total house renovations the week of the actual party....
No, just us?!?
Shoot me!!!

Also...Cheri Clouser...if you're reading this, email me!!
You're a no reply blogger and I wanted to tell you about a 5k I'm doing in Chambersbug, PA on October 19th.
You should run it too!!


  1. So glad to hear that things are looking up for your loved ones! Great pictures of the color run, and that running group shirt is awesome!

  2. Glad to see you're back, just a little bug in your ear, we have extra room in Meredith McG's bed at Ft. Wayne if you wanna come run a 10K with us unregistered on 9/28. We're going out for Mexican afterwards!! Congrats on 100 followers too!
