
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

Last week I confided in y'all about how my eating has been anything less than stellar.
At the doctor's office last Monday, I weighed in at 154.
Since I've been sidelined for a week with my foot, I really haven't done anything to work out.
Except for #themeredithchallenge - Abs and Crunches challenge.
(Can I get an AMEN for yesterday being the last day?!?)

So I really wanted to cleaning up my eating.
I did really well with it through the week, but then my whirlwind weekend came and my efforts weren't as stellar.
But, I told y'all I wanted to be held accountable and promised I would check in this week with my weight, so...

My weight this morning was 148.4!

Um, please and thank you, I'll take that!

But today is not only "Weigh In Wednesday", it's also "Workout Wednesday".
So let's go back and talk about #themeredithchallenge
Meredith and Meredith :) issued a challenge for the month of July to follow a crunches and pushup challenge every day.
And last night it ended for me with 150 crunches and 110 pushups.
There were days that I just dreaded doing it.
But I did every day per the challenge charts and I'm here to show you my results.

My shoulders are my favorite part of my body. I'm kind of obsessed with that little dip!
So, I'm pretty pleased with the results.
Thanks Merediths for issuing this challenge.
I wouldn't have done it if y'all didn't do it!! :)

I think I'm gonna do a squat challenge for August, and then maybe back to the crunches and pushups for September.
You know, gotta keep it fresh so I don't tire out.

I had been doing Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 four times a week prior to my foot injury.
I had completed up through Week 3.
While I got back to running as of yesterday, I am going to wait till next Monday to pick back up on Week 4 with that.

And yep, you heard that right...
Yesterday was my first day back to running in a week and a half.
I only wanted to do 2 miles to go easy since my foot is still somewhat bothersome.
But I ended up flying those two miles...
I just couldn't wait to pound the pavement!!

Now, go have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Whirlwind Weekend

This past weekend CRUH-HAZE-EEEY.
Yes, so crazy I needed to make "crazy" a 3-syllable word!

You should also know that by "weekend" I mean Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!

Thursday, I decided very last minute that I was going to make the 4.5 hour drive to Pennsylvania to pay my respects to a well-deserved man.
I was in Girl Scouts for 12 or 13 years.
Angie was a girl in my troop for at least 9 of those 13 years.
Her mom, Shirley and dad, Joe came to all of our events and trips.
They were our honorary Girl Scout parents and we loved having them around.
(My mom was our girls out leader for all those years so it was fun having her there for everything too!)

Joe was a sarcastic and gruff guy.
Born in the Bronx, New York and there was no denying that.
You know Joe liked you if he picked on you relentlessly!
And boy did I ever feel the love from Joe!

As cancer so often does, it claimed Joe's life on this earth.
The viewing on Thursday was very respectable and a handful of the girls and mothers from my old troop were there to show the family how much Joe meant to us.
The services on Friday were lovely, emotional, and so Joe.

I left to head back to VA around 1 on Friday.
What should have been a 4.5 hour trip turned into 6.
No, 1.5 hours is not the worst I've ever encountered in travel delays, but you should all know I am incredibly impatient in traffic.
My behavior is absolutely ridiculous!
It took me 45 minutes to go 3 miles to my next interstate exchange.
Which led me to posting this on Instagram (@kbeavtann)

Seriously...I had 20 minutes on that traffic's time!

Saturday morning was spent getting all our stuff ready before we made the 1.5 hour trek up to Richmond, VA.
Once we got into town, we checked into our hotel room then right back out the door for my husband's Triathlon packet pick up and meeting, then to dinner...
Where I had my first ever experience with fish tacos.
When I first ever heard of fish tacos, my immediate thought was, "Um....gross" (think about it)
But now all these food network shows are making fish tacos and I'm all like, "Um...yum"

But my first experience was just mediocre.
So, friends, I'm on the fish taco hunt!!
If you know who's got the best out there, please share!
(And just be warned, if you provide me with a restaurant that is not a chain and nowhere near my area, then I'm coming for a visit!)

Sunday started at 4:30 am with the preparation of my husband's first ever Triathlon.
I won't go into much about the details of the event until tomorrow or Thursday but I am so proud of my husband for the effort he put into completing this incredible accomplishment!

It was a long morning and Royce and I may have fallen asleep on the 1.5 hour ride back home while our triathlete drove.

We got home and had a little bit of a breather before we were headed out the door for a birthday party.
I was asleep by 9:30 pm.

Monday started out with a playdate with 4 other toddlers and 2 little babies!
I always look forward to our little playdates!
I love watching the kids interact and play.
And I love getting in some adult/mommy interaction!

And then our Monday got even better when my mom arrived to spend a few days with us!!

Needless to say, it's been a busy, busy, busy 5 days and I feel like I could still use a 2-day weekend!
And this week and weekend ain't slowing down either.
But when summer life is busy, that means fall gets here sooner!!
And can I get an AMEN for cooler weather running?!? and colorful leaves, pumpkin spice everything, jeans and sweaters...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Good News and a little Confused!

Thanks so much for the concern and well wishes for my foot injury I wrote about yesterday.

My trip to the doctor turned out to be quite informative.
Here's what I learned:
1. The Royals are seeing blue.
2. I am not pregnant.
3. I do not have a stress fracture!

While in the waiting room at the doctor's office I watched, with 12 of my closest friends other patients, the announcement that Wills and Kate had a baby boy!
We all clapped, hugged, cried, threw our blue confetti everywhere and shouted "Cheerio!"
Then sat back down and waited patiently for our name to be called.
Mine was called first.
The nurse took me back, got my weight (more on that in a bit) and vitals.
Doc came in, asked some questions, felt up my foot and decided he wanted to take an xray.
He told me that normally when we feel a "pop" like I initially did last Tuesday, it's cartilage related but because of how active I was, he wanted to take xrays to be sure it's not anything more.
He then asked if I'm sexually active and on birth control.
My answers led to taking a pregnancy test before he could decide that I was a suitable candidate for an xray.

2 LONG minutes and a negative pregnancy test later, I was headed to xray.
The tech snapped some shots and I was back out in the office waiting for the doc to give me the news.
(Everyone sing it with me: "Doctor, doctor! Give me the news! I gotta bad case of loving you...")

He came back in and said everything looked good.
The pain must be the fact that it was cartilage that tore and the fact that I ran almost 13 miles on Saturday was a little too much and caused it to be inflamed.
Take ibuprofen and rest it for at least a week.

In and out in just under an hour.
I was shocked!

And the news is good news!
But at the same time, I feel silly cos my foot really does hurt.
And the diagnosis sounds so, "Oh, that's all it is!"

But my plan is to pop the pills to help the inflammation go down and stay off of it for a week.
I kind of welcome the break for a week!
Especially in this heat!

I've already told 2 of the girls in the running group and also mentioned that next week, as long as all feels well, I most definitely need to run with ensure I get back to it!!

This is also the week leading up to my husband's first ever Triathlon (on Sunday).
So I feel good about all of us just concentrating on his efforts this week!
I'm so excited to watch him compete on Sunday!
To be the supporting and adoring fan he's been to me through all of my running and racing adventures!
And, let's be honest, I may be a little jealous after he completes it.
I mean, what a great experience and accomplishment!

My biggest concern this week is my eating!
Y'all!! All July long I have been eating horribly!
After a year's worth of losing the weight and feeling good and proud about my progress, perhaps it's getting to my head a bit.
Like, "oh yeah, I'm this size now, I can eat whatever I want..."
NOT the case.

I am not one of those people that can eat whatever I want.
The only reason I have "maintained" a 147-151 weight over this past month is because I've been running and working out.

Remember that sweet nurse that took me in yesterday to get my weight?!?
154 stared back at me on the scale then bitchslapped me.
That's from just 2 days of not working out and horrible eating choices.

This week, all I'm doing for workouts is sticking to my crunches and pushups for #themeredithchallenge. (Love her and her!!)
So, my eating habits have to clean up their act!

I'm going to weigh myself next week and post it here so I can be held accountable for my actions!
But while we're being honest, I will tell you that Saturday, we're going to the restaurant that's sponsoring my husband's Tri and mama has been eyeing their fish tacos. So I will be eating those on Saturday night.
(Pic most likely to come on Instagram! @kbeavtann)

I've got to reign this shit in!
I didn't come this far to just lose it all!

And just because this post is vastly void of pictures...
You're welcome:

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said...

Well, actually upon time of publication, the doctor has not said anything.
But more on that in a bit...

I was going to recap my weekend, but what would I tell you?
That we're super awesome and go grocery shopping on a Friday night?
Or that Saturday we had the chance to hang out with our friend's new born baby?
And how adorable we would be as a family of four?
Or how we got some good old fashion pool time on both Saturday and Sunday?

Nah, I won't bore you with any of that! :)

What I really want to talk about is Saturday.
I planned to get up and run 13.1 miles. very own personal half marathon to continue on in the celebration of a year's worth of running!
I woke up at 5:45 am and already knew in my head that I wasn't going to actually do 13.1.
I was just not feeling it.
So I set out at 6:45 am to run for an hour.
I returned back 45 minutes later.

I was hot and was dealing with some mental roadblocks
Since I'm not training for anything, I've got the mentality that I refuse to push myself in this heat and humidity.
(I'm ready for Fall.
There. I said it.)

So then, around 9 am, I got this message from one of the girls in the "running group" in my town:

When I first got the message, I thought, "I don't really feel like running 8 miles and I don't know the girl all that well and I can be awkward around people I don't know and..."
But, just the night before, I was talking to my husband about how I hate having to ask this group of girls if I can run with them.
They're super nice and always tell me I'm welcome.
But I was explaining to my husband that I'd rather them reach out to me and say, "Hey Kyra, come run with us!"
And BAM!!!
The very next day, one of them was asking me to run with them!
I HAD to go!!

We set out at 7 pm Saturday evening.
It was hot, but we had the occasional breeze.
There was never a lull in conversation
(Except for those moments when neither of us could breathe, let alone hold a conversation!)
I really enjoyed running with her.
The hour and a half it took us didn't seem that long at all.
I kind of don't want to run a long distance by myself ever again. :)

About mile 6.5 my foot started to hurt.

Rewind to last Tuesday.
I was standing up from a sitting position on the floor and felt something pop in the top of my left foot.
The pop wasn't an excruciating pain.
It was more like a quick, "Ow! That was weird..."
But I could walk on it and it really didn't bother me that much.
The spot on the top of my foot would hurt occasionally depending on how I moved my foot, but nothing to be alarmed about, I felt.
I only ended up running Wednesday night last week and it didn't bother me then.
Didn't bother me Saturday morning on my almost 5 miles.
Didn't bother me Saturday evening until that 6 and a half mile marker.

It was just a bothersome pain each time I landed on it.
Still, I didn't feel there was any reason to be alarmed.
I finished out the 8 miles, came home and iced my foot.

Then I woke up Sunday and the top of my foot just hurt.
All day long.
With every step I took.

So I did what any normal runner would do...
I googled "stress fractures" and "running injuries on the foot".
And diagnosed myself with about 12 different injuries I have! :)
So I called the doctor this morning and have an appointment at 3:30 this afternoon.

Here's how I'm feeling about this...
I'm not in the middle of training for anything, so now is as good a time as any if I have to be sidelined for any length of time.

We'll see if I still feel that way if the doctor tells me I can't run for X amount of time...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Day After

I was going to take a note from my incredible co-host and use today as a get out of jail and don't post today...
But I just had to let y'all know how much fun I had seeing everyone's race photos!
Thank you to everyone that linked up!!

And just because I had so much fun, I've decided to award my favorite with one of my favorite must-haves (for warm weather) running!
A Bondi Band

It took me forever to choose but I'm gonna have to go with Amy from A Glimpse of the Gouglers!

She's just so darn happy cos she seriously just loves running!!
Thanks for sharing your photos, Amy! 
I sent you an email!

After you're done checking out Amy's run happy photos, please be sure to also go check out Miss Leg's photos!
I have definitely taken some notes from these two and can only hope my next race photo looks like one of theirs! :)

And just because this video of my (almost) 22-month-old son was too cute not to share...

Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Action Shot Photo Link-Up

Last Thursday marked a year since I started this weight loss/healthier me journey.
Today marks ONE WHOLE YEAR that I have been doing something that I truly love.
Something I am passionate about!
Something I am constantly trying to challenge and better myself at.

To sit back and think when I started running last July, I just wanted to do anything to help lose the weight!
I started with the Couch to 5k app.
I would take my son, Royce, out in the jogging stroller and push him along while I diligently obeyed the lady on the app telling me when to run and when to walk!
When I completed the 8 weeks on the app, I kept pretty consistent running 3.1 miles almost every day!
I did a 5k in September and got about a 2 minute late start so ended up with a time of about 32 minutes.
My next 5k was Thanksgiving and came out with a 28:29 time.
I was so happy with that time!

I immediately decided I needed more races in my life and one of them needed to be a Half Marathon!
My half training began a week before Christmas and took me all the way to March!
I completed my Half in 2:19:29
Followed by a 10k at 55:03.
and then a 5k at 26:46.
And those are my current PR's (Personal Records)

And I'm all about celebrating!
I celebrated this past Saturday by running 12 miles.

1 mile for every month I've been running.
With every stride and mile I just felt so proud of all I've accomplished and so blessed to have the ability to run!
It was a great run just to reflect over this past year!

But today, I want all of you to help me celebrate!

So grab the button and link up!!

Now, before we get started, let's all be honest about how when we see a photographer along the race course we straighten our posture, perfect our stride, and look determined.
All these elements combined give you...
Well, let's just have a look-see at my super model debut!

It just so happens that all of my photos are from the PR races I listed above!!

The first: Half Marathon
It was a very small race in my hometown back in Pennsylvania, so there were no photogs.
(except for the local newspaper capturing all the fast runners....must have just missed me!)
However, one of my photog friends lives at the top of one of the hills I had to climb on the half mary course so she snapped some pics of me while all I wanted to do was highjack one of her cars to the finish line!
My distinguished "determined" face translates to my "upset stomach" face

My photog friend was able to get out of her driveway after I passed to get a pic of me crossing the finish line.

The second: 10k
Now, don't tell anyone but I had to highjack these pics from the website that was selling them.
Cos hell to the no am I buying any of these beauts!

I'd like to address two things from these race photos:
1. Keep your damn mouth shut when running by a photog. It won't kill you to breathe through your nose until you pass.
2. Yes, I wore my hydration belt that holds 40oz of water to a 10k. And yes, I was THE ONLY person to have one. I have anxiety about dry mouth when I run but after seeing this, I look ridiculous and need to further research my hydration tactics for shorter races.

The third: 5k
And just because I'm a glutton for punishment...

Let's dissect these just a bit!

Well, this was certainly embarrassing.
But I have learned some very important lessons:
- I must lift HEAVIER so my arms aren't flapping in the wind
- and there is no way I should EVER wear shorts in a race! cos there are no amount of squats that can make all my jiggle not wiggle
- Keep your mouth closed and maybe try to smile!

Seriously, folks, I cannot wait to see all of your pics!
And learn what to do and maybe even more what not to do's!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just a Reminder!

Hey hey, kids!!
Just checking in real quick to say HEY to all my new friends!!
I can't wait to get to know y'all better.
Starting with tomorrow!!
Don't forget to link up tomorrow with Mel and I so we can all laugh (or be jealous) of each others running/action shots!
It's gonna be a good time!
So come back tomorrow, grab the button and link up! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Running Photos Link Up Deets

THANK YOU so much for all the incredible feedback from my post yesterday!
You girls made me feel like a million bucks!!

This month is just the month of annual happenings in my weight loss life...
Next Wednesday, July 17th marks one whole year since I started running!
And to celebrate, I'm hosting a Link-Up with the beautiful, Mel!
She and I have both talked about how stellar (Read: utterly and horribly embarrassing) our race photos are!
So we thought, "Why not embarrass ourselves and have everyone else join in?!?"

Sounds like fun, right?!?!

On Wednesday, we want you to share all your professional or unprofessional running photos.
Oh, but don't stop there!
If you've just got a spectacular action shot of doing anything, we wanna see it!
(Kara - I'm looking at you and that Powder Puff football pic!)

Although all of mine will be absolutely horrid, if you lucked out and got a supermodel worthy photo, please link up and share them!
(And teach me how to not look like a complete hot mess while running!)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Year Today

July 11, 2012 was the first time I ever hit "Publish" on a post in Blogger.

I really had no gameplan set for this blog and my weight loss.
All I knew was that I came across Mama Laughlin's blog through Pinterest and it affected me to my core.

I was at a point in my life where I was constantly yo-yo-ing between 190 and 198 pounds and I needed to get serious about losing weight.
I was unhappy with myself and hated what I saw in the mirror.
But I was also unmotivated.
I wanted an easy, fast, and painless effort to melt the pounds off.
I was lazy.

May 13, 2012 - My first Mother's Day

I am a huge believer, in that, in order to really lose the weight and get healthy, YOU are the only one that can do it for YOU.
You have to want it bad it enough.
When it clicks, it just clicks.

After the constant back and forth in the 190's and not really getting anywhere, Mama Laughlin's posts came at the perfect time.
I stayed up way too late one night pouring over each post and bawling.
This post, in particular, resonated in my soul and it just clicked for me.

After 9 long post pregnancy months, I decided I was sick of this weight and needed to make a change.
A real change.

June 22, 2012 - My son, Royce was officially 9 months old!

ML talked about how some days she didn't want to work out or eat right or just blow it, and it was the people that read her blog that motivated her, held her accountable, and complimented her.
I knew I needed that.
I needed accountability.

So, to show how serious I was, I started this blog!
Thus starting on my healthier journey.

I started out walking in the mornings and the evenings.
Which then turned into downloading the Couch to 5k app.
Which then turned into running 3 miles straight without stopping.
Which then turned into training for and completing a Half Marathon...

I started out doing the occasional jumping jacks, pushups, crunches, lunges...
Which then turned into turning on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.
Which then turned into the occasional lifting weights.
Which then turned into strength training 4 times a week...

I started out cleaning up my eating.
Which then turned into downloading My Fitness Pal.
Which then turned into learning about all the healthier options out there.
Which then turned into making healthy eating a lifestyle...

And with all of these combined, it turned into me losing 45 pounds in this past year!!!

As I look back over this past year, I can remember starting out and feeling like I'd never get to where I am today.
With each slow pound lost and each plateau, I could only dream one day I would start to feel comfortable in my own skin.
I would get down that my progress was slow...
But I would NOT get defeated!!

This was my mantra for a loooooong time.
It helped me to keep on keeping on.
It made me realize that I couldn't just quit because I didn't lose 45 pounds in one month.
If I just said "Screw it" after each week of only 1 pond lost or plateauing for weeks at a time you know where I'd be today?!?
Still at 190-198 pounds.

That's truth, people!!
Don't stop when you don't see results.

I'm not where I want to be in terms of what the scale tells me.
I'm 5'3 and weigh in anywhere from 145 - 150 these days.
BUT I feel really good about how my clothes fit, how I look and how I feel.
That, to me, is what defines my journey, not a number on the scale.
I took my measurements this morning and compared them to a year ago.
I lost 30 1/2 inches overall!!!
That is just craziness to me!!
So I'm VERY pleased with where I am at today.

Take a walk down memory lane with me, if you will, over this past year...

July 12, 2012 - 190 pounds
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013

Today, July 11, 2013

And just because we all love some B&A's...

Not only have I accomplished (and still accomplishing) what I set out to do with this blog...
I have met some amazing people and friends.
Something I had not planned on doing.

Sure, I wanted people to read and help hold my chubby self accountable.
But I hadn't anticipated meeting some pretty spectacular friends while doing so.
For that, I am truly grateful!
I really cherish YOU for your words of encouragement, your strong advice, your constant challenges and your inspiring efforts!
I have honestly enjoyed getting to know some of you on a more personal level.
And it is my honor to call you a FRIEND! (Even if it is labeled as a BBF...we'll all meet one day, I'm sure of it!)

My, what a year it has been!!
And here's to the next year of being Stronger, Faster, Farther...
(and the next, and the next, and....)