
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

Last week I confided in y'all about how my eating has been anything less than stellar.
At the doctor's office last Monday, I weighed in at 154.
Since I've been sidelined for a week with my foot, I really haven't done anything to work out.
Except for #themeredithchallenge - Abs and Crunches challenge.
(Can I get an AMEN for yesterday being the last day?!?)

So I really wanted to cleaning up my eating.
I did really well with it through the week, but then my whirlwind weekend came and my efforts weren't as stellar.
But, I told y'all I wanted to be held accountable and promised I would check in this week with my weight, so...

My weight this morning was 148.4!

Um, please and thank you, I'll take that!

But today is not only "Weigh In Wednesday", it's also "Workout Wednesday".
So let's go back and talk about #themeredithchallenge
Meredith and Meredith :) issued a challenge for the month of July to follow a crunches and pushup challenge every day.
And last night it ended for me with 150 crunches and 110 pushups.
There were days that I just dreaded doing it.
But I did every day per the challenge charts and I'm here to show you my results.

My shoulders are my favorite part of my body. I'm kind of obsessed with that little dip!
So, I'm pretty pleased with the results.
Thanks Merediths for issuing this challenge.
I wouldn't have done it if y'all didn't do it!! :)

I think I'm gonna do a squat challenge for August, and then maybe back to the crunches and pushups for September.
You know, gotta keep it fresh so I don't tire out.

I had been doing Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 four times a week prior to my foot injury.
I had completed up through Week 3.
While I got back to running as of yesterday, I am going to wait till next Monday to pick back up on Week 4 with that.

And yep, you heard that right...
Yesterday was my first day back to running in a week and a half.
I only wanted to do 2 miles to go easy since my foot is still somewhat bothersome.
But I ended up flying those two miles...
I just couldn't wait to pound the pavement!!

Now, go have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!


  1. Look at those guns! I can totally tell a difference! Great job girl... Your work paid off! Check out my blog. ;););)

  2. Please tell me that's a Steeler's tattoo on your foot??? Congrats on the loss this week!

  3. Wohooo - so glad your foot is feeling better! And rock on with your bad self, rock those results!

  4. Glad your foot is okay & great job on the scale! It's so hard to eat well in the summer, I'm right there with you in the less than stellar eating department! I just keep working hard & reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day. All you can do is keep moving forward :)

  5. You are my newest inspiration! Clean eating for the win!! Great job! And glad you are back into running....oh how I can't wait to say "ONLY 2 miles" :) Happy Wednesday!

  6. Look at you winner winner! You deserve it and with those weigh in results! Great job! Wish I could get on the clean eating train, it's so hard when my kids are eating happy meals and chips. Have a great week!

  7. Nice work! I totally think you should organize a squat, ab, arms, back, whatever challenge for August! Please!?

  8. Holy cow those are fantastic results!! That two miler (is that even the right way to say/spell that?! lol) was stellar!

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