
Monday, April 8, 2013

Lazy Weekend and a Liebster

Well well Monday, we meet again!

I thought I'd share with y'all just a few of the happenings going on 'round these parts...

I have my 10k this coming Saturday and I've been throwing out that I want a PR!
I'm shooting for under 55 minutes.
This past Saturday, I went out and did this
Come on race day!!

That's basically the only time I left my house this weekend.
On the real!
We played outside a good bit. (Can I get an A-freaking-men for warmer weather!!)
The "finger paint" is completely edible! Just vanilla pudding and food coloring.

But yeah, we went nowhere and I was A-ok with that!

Oooh, I also purchased my Operation Red Bikini bathing suit.

Well, hopefully...
If you remember, I already struck out once with a possible ORB option.
So, let's try lucky number 2?!?

It's from Victoria's Secret.
I had a "Secret Reward" card from them that ended up being worth $50.
(Holla for a Dollar!! I only ever get the $10 ones from them so this one was a treat!!)
It's got a sweet lace-like detail to it.
And I'm obsessed with lace at the moment!
The color is called "Aqua Glass/Tangerine" which translates to Mint/Coral in my book.
And I'm obsessed with those colors at the moment!
And, I feel the lace-up detail in the back is kind of sexy so this makes it mama's sexified one piece!
Oh, and I'm obsessed with lacing up my running shoes at the moment!
So, this suit was practically made for me.
Although, it said it wouldn't ship until June 18th.
So, I guess it was made for everyone else as well...
Here's hoping it comes in sooner and that it looks fabulous!!

The gorgeous and sweet Meredith over at My Own Little World nominated me for a Liebster! 
For the longest time Meredith looked so familiar to me...
Then it hit me who she looked like....
Brad Goreski from "It's a Brad Brad World" assistant, Lindsay
Both are totes adorable!! are my answers to Meredith's questions!

1. Where were you born and raised? Chambersburg, PA. I was dying to leave when I was 22 and now I'm dying to move back!! It's a great little town and I didn't realize or appreciate that when I was younger!!
2. Any siblings? Birth order? 2!! An older sister, Shannon (<-- check out her blog!!) and a younger brother, Kellen. (Can I get a "heeeeeey" from all my middle child peeps. Wassup?!?) They're seriously 2 of my best friends!! We are super close and I love it! 

3. Do you drink alcohol? What kind do you prefer? I do. But it's usually few and far between these days. And that is primarily due to the calories! Oh, and cos I'm old as Eff and throw up every.single.time. I'm typically a beer whore girl, with an occasional wine for when I'm feeling classy! But, for when I'm feeling sassy, I've been known to order a Gin and Tonic or Malibu and Cranberry! (that's a total sissy drink, but totally tasty!)

4. What is your religion? Christian
5. Do you have any pets? Nope! Husband doesn't want any and I can't deal when they die. I do really really want a chocolate lab some time in my life. I'd much rather rescue one that's older rather than start off with a puppy.

6. Are you an earlybird or night owl? Earlybird with coffee!!

7. What is your favorite item of clothing? Probably my American Eagle jeans. I don't remember the last time I bought a pair from there cos they have seriously lasted me years and years and years! Yes, even through all the years of up and down with my weight. I've got pairs from there from a size 6 - 12. I just love the way they fit me!

8. Do you have a celebrity "free pass?" LUKE BRYAN!!! case you missed this post!

9. What is your occupation? Medical Billing - exciting, no?!? But I actually am really happy with my current occupation situation! I only go into the office 2 days a week and work from home the rest. Love being with my baby so much!!

10. Where is your favorite vacation spot? Hmmm, probably Nags Head, North Carolina! It's a lovely beach area that never gets overcrowded and there's no commercialized boardwalk. It's all beach houses and hotels but there's plenty to do all along the main strip of road that goes along the beach. I've been to many spots/areas in Nags Head and I've loved every single area!

11. What is your original hair color? What you see is what you get!! I don't dye my hair. I know I won't take the time nor have the money to keep up with it like it should be! But I always covet a dark caramel chocolate color for fall time! and I'm really intrigued by ombre hair...


  1. Hope this suit works!! Can't believe you are willing to wait to June to get it!!

    I know they are not as stylish, but swimsuits are awesome!!! They are very very well made and kid friendly. You will notice that as the Royce gets bigger and in e pool more, you will be chasing him, picking him up, jumping in the pool with him more and more and you don't want to have to worry about straps getting untied or falling out of anything....

  2. Love that bathing suit, & also totes jealous that your secret card was $50! Mine was only $10, but of course I ended up spending $100... boo! Great time on the run! What app is that? I'm looking for a good one now that I have actually hit the pavement more than once ;)

  3. Girl add in race adrenaline and you are going to hit less than 54 minutes. BET!

    and you are too sweet! I have never seen that show before but that girl is adorable! What a compliment. Too funny too because this weekend in St Louis Laura-who-doesn't-have-a-blog-yet told me she thinks I look like Bethany Frankel!

  4. She totally does look like the assistant! I didn't put it together until you mentioned it!!
    I love the questions/answers. I think it's sweet you'd get an older dog too. Not many people would do that.
    Good luck on your 10k this weekend!! I'm still sitting my butt in bed for the 5th day in a row!

  5. HEYYY fellow middle child right here!!

    You will rock that race on Saturday!
