
Friday, April 5, 2013


Hey y'all hey!
It's Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

I should be working, but I'm too busy checking out the vendors that will be at the Expo for my 10k next Saturday!!

All the races I've done up to this point have been on a smaller scale.
I am BEYOND excited that this race has an Expo!!
I may or may not spend my entire (next) Friday afternoon there.

Check out the full list of vendors like you care here and scroll down!
And allow me to just highlight on a few I'm SOOOO incredibly excited about!

Bondi Bands
Oh Em Geeeeeee!!!
I just recently started seeing these bands and upon first observation I didn't get their point.
Common sense much, Kyra?!?!
But now that it's getting warmer (Thank you, Sweet Jesus!) my sweat be drippin in my eyes and that shiz BURNS!! (<-- Sounds like the start of a good rap song, no?!?)
Now, my current #firstworldproblems for Miss Indecisive herself is picking one out!
At $8.00 a pop, I'll definitely be getting at least 2.
But I can't decide which I love most.
Here are a few hundred of my top picks!
 This one is probably a definite!!

Then I can't decide from these 8!
 I love saying "suck it up" and I love cupcakes.
A tiara?!?! Seriously, that's priceless!
The last 2 I just really really dig!
 "13.1 only half crazy"...perfection!
The Union Jack grandparents are British, so I'm a sucker for a union jack.
I think the last 2 are cute...they're not front runners.

Tell me your fave(s), loves!!
I need help/support/guidance in making decisions!
(my husband LOVES this about me!!)

My plan here is to schmooze with the reps and pray, plead, beg throw out that I have a blog and have been known to sing Brooks' praise!!
Please, Mr. Representative, send me anything, I'll love it, review it, and sell the shit out of it!!

And here are a few vendors I don't know much about but want to check out to get a better idea!
Hippie Runner (they have forehead headbands too, and cheaper than Bondi Bands...$7 a pop...but less of a selection)
ifitness Inc.
Martin's (a local grocery store in Richmond, VA...hello?!? I'll take coupons!)
OrthoVirginia (let's talk injury, folks!)
Richmond Flying Squirrels (cheap ticket hookup, perhaps for the local very minor league baseball team??)
Richmond Road Runner's Club (sure I'd love to be in the know of all Richmond races!)
Spinal Correction (what can you do for my hips?!?)
Subway (um, duh?!?!?!?)
The Luekemia & Lymphoma Society (my little cousin is a Leukemia SURVIVOR and I want to hear what these people are about!!)
Yurbuds Sport Earphones

Also, I can't forget all my favorite fine females that are doing the GO! Half Marathon in STL.
To say there are a few of us that are TOTES jealous that we can't be there is the understatment of the year!
If you don't, follow them on Instagram to wish them extra EXTRA love and luck this Sunday!!
Holly (@hollystanfield)
Mel (@missmel_joy)
Kim (@kbgilmore3)
Laura (@walkinginmemphishighheels)
Marcia (@yeartwentynine)
Meredith (@mereyrae)
Lora (@mrsloyoung)
Courtney (@courtnorm)
I hope I didn't miss anyone!!
Have a blast, y'all I really really REALLY wish I could be there to run it too!

Have a Fantastic Friday, y'all!!


  1. Yay! I'm excited for my EXPO and it's 7 weeks away. More excited reading this! Yay! Get pumped!

  2. I had no idea so many people were running Go St. Louis! Wow!!

    I have not tried Bondi Bands, but every time I see them pop up, I think, "ooh, I need one!" and then forget immediately.

    I'm loving the purple "Run" one and the "Keep Running" one, too! They're all cute, though! I could see you rocking any of them!

    Hope you score some free blog swag from Brooks at the Expo! And, um, maybe something for a giveaway? :)

  3. My picks for your Bondi bands in order of awesome:
    1. Union Jack-so when you're running and pass people, you can tell them "Ello govna!"
    2. Shut Up and Run-its neon, its sassy, its Kyra
    3. Princess crown-Obvi!!!

  4. NEED the cupcake one, like five minutes ago. Have fun at the expo, "bring me back something french!"
