
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weigh-In Wednseday - Plateau Queen


Ahh yes, plateauing at its finest.
I don't mean to brag, but I am GREAT at plateauing.
Probably the best around.
I said it.

Weighed in at 160 this morning.
It's something about the lower numbers in each of the groups of 10.
Plateaued at 182 for awhile.
Then plateaued at 172 for over a month!
And now, my body is currently liking the idea of lingering around 160-162.

But, I'm learning to accept how I feel and look and while I'm still striving to get lower, I'm really starting to like what I see in the mirror.
I had a deadline of wanting to be 155 by tomorrow.
Um, duh?!?!
That won't be happening!
Especially since I have a ribbon cutting ceremony to attend this afternoon with "light refreshments and cake"
(oh, you better believe my inner fat girl is doing the Pam dance on Biggest Loser! "Light refreshments" means yummy-tasting unhealthy stuff, and IFG - inner fat girl - goes crazy on some light refreshments.)
And I have a birthday dinner at my in-laws tonight.
So I'm not even getting near a scale tomorrow.

And if I can still manage to weigh in next Wednesday at 160-162 I'll be stoked.
Cos starting tomorrow I see fried pickles, Starbucks, Chipotle, party food, Super Bowl party food and lots of Sheetz in my extended weekend.
Oh, and can't forget a 10 mile run on Saturday!

So, if that's not enough to make y'all bishes come back next Wednesday to see how much I've gained I fair on the scale, I'll be sure to post the pics of my hot ass 30 year old self in the coveted mint skinny jeans


  1. I so know the feeling of plateauing for months. It's a bummer! There's always next week though:)

  2. Plateauing is the pits! I hit one every 3 months or so. freaking annoying!!!

  3. Plateaus definitely suck but the most important thing is that you're liking what you see in the mirror! And girl you better enjoy all that good food for the rest of us!!

  4. Boo, plateaus are the worst, but you are doing incredible. Rock those mint jeans (love btw) and enjoy your big day - you deserve it!

  5. I just listened to a pod cast from Jillian Michaels about plateaus. It really made me think. You should check it out!

    I just say be glad the scale isn't going up! :) lol

  6. I hear ya girl!! Are you doing the dietbet?? I'm totally joining!

  7. Ah, this post was hilarious. Even though it sucks you're in a dreaded plateau. I'm in one myself and it's getting old. Good luck avoiding the fried pickles this weekend!

  8. I am the plateau queen. 6 months long. I want some mint jeans, I will be back to see yours!

  9. Me too! I am currently between 163-161 back and forth. Ready to get to the 150's!

  10. I was stuck in the 160s since October and finally moved out of them this week...plateaus suck! I got mint skinny jeans too...will be back to see yours :)

  11. there is nothing worse than lingering around the even numbers...160, 170, etc......I always take FOREVER to get past it and move are not alone!!
