
Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Re-cap

Seriously! I know it's the age-old question, but how is it that the weekends go by so fast?!?

Friday, it snowed!!
But not horribly enough to keep us from our plans.
Friday night we got together with some of my in-laws good friends from out of town.
Homegirl indulged in a Rum and Diet Coke and a beer.
I wanted that tipsy feeling, but also knew I had to run 9 miles on Saturday so didn't want to go too overboard...
Needless to say those 2 drinks did nothing for me.

Saturday, I got in some snuggles with my little man
Then went out to run some errands.
I had a coupon and $10 off an item at Peebles.
I so badly wanted to find some compression pants, but notta single one.
(I HATE Peebles!! They never freaken have anything I go in looking for. Bitches.)
But, I did decide to get this Nike Dri-Fit shirt
After my coupons, I only spent $5 on it!

Soon after getting home, I went for my scheduled 9-mile run.
I would say this was my best run-to-date.
I never felt like I got even remotely tired.
I ate a little more than half one of those pouches of Sport Beans 30 minutes prior to my run.
At about mile 4.5 I stopped to walk so I could eat some more and apply some more chapstick.
(I'm a terrible mouth breather during my runs! I know you're supposed to breathe in through your nose and out your mouth, but I feel like I don't get enough air when I do that. So, needless to say, my lips get dry and I drink a whole 60-70 ounces of water from my camel back during a long run.)
After the run, I ate the remaining Sport Beans.
I don't know if it was the Sport Beans giving me energy that I felt on top of the world for this run or if the fact that my favorite number is 9 and that got me through...
Whichever, I LOVED this run!

Got back, stretched like a mother and took a hot bath!
And spent the rest of the day hanging out with my guys!

Sunday, I woke up at 8:30 and the bambino was still asleep.
He's normally always up between 6:30 - 7 am.
So I got up and enjoyed my coffee alone before Royce finally woke up at 9.
And I had to brag about it on Instagram (@kbeavtann) and Facebook!
I still can't believe this actually happened!

Sundays are supposed to be cross-training days in my Half Marathon training plan, so I did Level 3 of 30 Day Shred...TWICE 
In my best Rick Flair, "Whew!"

Twas a low-key weekend and I loved it!
Now here's hoping this week flies by so Thursday ;) and the weekend get here ASAP!!

Toodle-loo hotties!!!


  1. YAY for a great runner and what a doll baby.

  2. Wow. That is a GOOD weekend. Way to make all the right healthy choices!

  3. Lokk at that BABY! How freaking cute is he? OH. MY.

    Great job on the run and cross training! What half are you running? He's so stinking adorable!

  4. 9 miles! You are rockin' it! 4 months post baby and I am dying at 4 but I am not going to give up! Love reading about your training! Thanks for the motivation!

  5. 9 miles, awesome!! $5 bucks, you go girl! I got some more Nike compression pants are the Nike Outlet this week and LOVE them!! $20 instead of $60!

  6. Damntastic! Way to steal that cute Nike shirt! I just love a deal! Oh, and your son is adorbs !

  7. Awesome deal on the shirt, I love a great deal!

    Wow! 9 miles and Jillian level 3 twice! Amazing!

  8. God, I need to get on your level.

    And yay for a new Nike Dri shirt. And bonus points for the coupon! :)
