
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday/Day 1 of #4MChallenge

Remember the time that Pinterest project started out like this:

And turned into this??

And remember last Wednesday when I said I wanted to be in the 140's by the end April?!?
yes, that says 149.6! My scale is dying out on me. :(
Amazing things really can happen when you stop shoveling a bunch of junk in your face!

That number is just what I needed to see to give me that extra push while doing Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred with Ms. Jillian Michaels this morning
Yep, woke up just for a date with the bia!
My game plan for this challenge is to wake up before the rest of my house to get in my 30DS workout.  
(which used to be 7 am, but a certain 19-month-old now wants to wake up between 6 and 6:30...guess who's gotta cry till Mama's done getting her ass handed to her?!?)

And this lady right hurrrrr is a woman that NEEDS her sleep.
So that also means that I am challenging myself to be in bed BY 9:30 pm so I will hopefully be asleep by 10 every night this month!

My super lucky hubby snapped my Before pics that I'll be saving till this challenge is over!
I'll give you a little hint...they're definitely gross sexy!

But you should all know that I plan to go hard these next 30 days.
I want results.
And I want this cross training effort to put some pep in my running step!

In other news...I reached 100 followers!!!
Y'all!! Seriously!! I feel so blessed and encouraged to have each and every one of YOU!!
A giveaway of my favorite things is definitely in the works.
So don't miss those details when they come!!

And just a heads up...for funsies...I have a little giveaway planned for Mother's Day!
Details on that to come next week.
So don't miss that!

Happy Happy Hump Day!!



  1. Way to go filling up that jar and reachin the 140s, what an accomplishment!

  2. Gahh, look at you go!!! All those pounds lost AND into the 140's... you are rockin' it, great job!!

  3. Look at you one hot sexy mama!! I love that pounds thing. I may do that too. So encouraging!! :) stop on my blog I just restarted weigh in Wed!! :)

  4. Hey I'm a new follower & even added you on IG :)
    I'd love to see the 140s ... ohhhh one day I will!!!!
    Awesome job with your morning workout :)

  5. nice work on waking up early!!!

  6. Yes! Yes and Yes! I told Kara we need to do a giveaway when we reach 100 followers too...but I'm not promoting it b/c I'm lazy bahaha Excited to see your fav things. Way to get up early and at it with JM. My kids def get to stay in their crib until I'm done with JM at naptime too---whatever works.

  7. Congratulations girl! You have done great!! New follower from the Weigh In Wednesday link up!

  8. Whooo, 100 followers!! Congrats!

    And NICE work on starting out the 4MChallenge strong, O fearless leader! :)

  9. I just started reading you, where have I been, and I love the pinterest Idea...I might have to come up with something like that to keep this interesting - hell yeah for 140s that's so awesome :)

  10. Congrats on getting in the 140s! That's amaze-balls!

  11. I am so effing proud of you, sis! 140's, what what?!?!?! I remember looking at that empty jar soon after you made it and you saying, "I just hope it gives me a little motivation to get my butt in gear." Fast forward to now...go 'head, sissybabes!
