
Monday, April 29, 2013


Oh Em Geeeeee!
I am excited to tell y'all something!!

Last Wednesday, I posted my "Woe is me and my lack of dedication/motivation to lift weights and tone, I guess I'll go eat worms" story.
I made the comment, "I do own a copy of the 30 Day Shred, so I think I may just need to buckle down and pull that bad boy out again..."
...knowing full well I was dragging my feet and that that probably wouldn't happen.

Well I was blasted by solidarity from Meredith, then Kate, then Kara...all saying,
"Hey, I'll do it with you. I'll keep you accountable!"
Long story short, a lot of emails were passed around and Team KLM is issuing a challenge!
(Team KLM: Kyra, Kara, Kate, Kristie, Kassie, Leigh Ann, and Meredith)

May Meltdown with Ms. Michaels


Most of you know that Operation Red Bikini is RIGHT around the corner.


We've all pushed ourselves to this point.
And we're entering the home stretch, we're in the birth canal, the light at the end of the tunnel, the final countdown...

It's time to Go Big or go home.
Only going home is not an option.
So who better to GO BIG with than Jillian Michaels?!?

For the month of May, we want to challenge you to pick your poison Jillian Michaels workout DVD of choice and commit to GOing BIG with it.
Whatever that looks like for you...
Doing it every day for the month of May.
Doing it 5-6 times a week for the month of May.
Doing 2 of her DVDs simultaneously.
Upping the El Bees on those free weights you use to do a JM workout.
Sweating at least 5 buckets full because you've kicked that much ass during that workout.
Yelling at Jillian Michaels cause she can't keep up with YOU. 

Whatever suits you and your schedule.
But Challenge yourself.
Push yourself.
Go Big.
Go Hard.
Show JM what you got.
ORB, baby!

My personal fave (aka the only one I own) is the 30 Day Shred.
My goal is to do this Jillian Michaels work out DVD EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. in the month of May!
And I'll be upping my free weights to 8 pounders. (Thanks again, Meredith!!)

Every Friday in the month of May, we'll do a link-up so we can all check in to see how everyone is doing in this last ditch effort to ORB and to keep each other accountable and encouraged!

B&A's aren't mandatory but are totally welcome!
It really is a great way to see your progress when you stick to something and put in the time.
And we blog womens LOVE us some B&A's!!

So join us in making this last month really count!
Put in the time and get those results!
Grab that button and link up with us every Friday in May.
And don't forget to blast all your efforts in this challenge on Instagram with #4MChallenge.

And tell Jillian Michaels to BRING IT!!!!


  1. I have to ask... What are B&As?! I couldn't figure it out! Hahaha!!!

    So excited to do this! We looked for heavier weights this weekends, but Walmart didn't have the size we wanted. So we have to go to Target this week! I will be doing 30DS too!

  2. I will be joining you!!!!! I need this challenge right now. I will be breaking out the Jillian Michaels 30DS! My goal is to do it 6 days a week. :) THANK YOU!

  3. Yay! Team KLM...Elle Noel told me you can watch the videos for 6 week 6 pack on You Tube if you really want to be an overachiever and use those 8 lbs weights like a boss :) So excited to be in the challenge and rock our bikinis in a hotel parking lot ....bahahhaa have a great week Ky-RAH :)

  4. I'm so excited to be doing this challenge with you! And you did such a wonderful job of explaining it! I clearly wrote my post too late at night because I just mumbled, "Um I'm doing Jillian Michaels you should too K." LOL!

  5. You just pumped be up for this challenge even more! We do LOVE some B& As= motivation!!!

  6. Here we go! You explain it all so well! See ya on IG hastaggin it up!!

  7. This is a great idea! I've been meaning to get more into working out again, and this is the perfect motivation.

  8. Im so in, I was actually planning on doing this with my husband so we will definitely be joining you guys :) Cant wait!
