
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thick Thursday

Holiday weight gain be GONE!

MILF by 30 status and some mint skinny jeans got me rolling!

Weighed in this morning at 163!!
(For all the newbies...I'd been sitting pretty at 165 for most of December. Then, I went Holiday food crazy the last week with Christmas and New Years and got up to 168. So, I've been getting my arse in gear since last Wednesday. Making this a 5 pound loss!)

And the stats:
Arms:     13"
Chest:     37"
Waist:     37" {loss of 1/2"}
Hips:      39"
Thighs: 23 1/2"

I've been dropping the pounds by running (currently training for a half marathon in March - using the Hal Higdon Novice 2 training plan)
My 4 mile run from yesterday

 2 things...
1. Yesterday on the training plan was 4 miles pace run. I wanted so badly to be under 9 minutes PR.
Hell, I seriously wanted 8:59 average pace...But 9:02 is pretty damn good
I can't lie...I was gasping for breath toward the end.

2. It says I burned 611 calories.
I'm curious if those of you out there with a fancy schamncy Garmin (totes jelly!) have ever used the watch and whatever running app you may have used before at the same time to see if there were any differences in pace/time/calories/distance.
I guess I really want to know how accurate this is.
Anyone at all?!?!?!?
Kim???  Mel???

I've decided I'm gonna do JM's 30 Day Shred on Sundays - my cross training days.
Now that Biggest Loser is on, I'm feening for some Jillian.
(Am I the only crazy mofo that thinks those contestants that have her screaming in their faces and kicking them out of her gym are the luckiest folks in the world?!? I watch it and think, "Man, I wish that were me!" - and yes, I have now realized that I am bat shit crazy!)

And, I'm also trying to eat as clean as possible!

And there you have it, folks!


  1. GO YOU!!! SO proud of you Kyra! Keep up the good work! :)

  2. My Garmin tracks more accurate then RunKeeper (the app on my phone). You are doing a great job girl. Your running time is stellar you should be proud of yourself.

  3. Which app are you using for your runs?

    I totally agree, i wish i had Jillian barking at me while i'm working out! Ha ha! :)

  4. That's awesome, congrats!!

  5. I use my watch and run on the treadmill and see if there is a difference. Usually there is- but now my watch connects with most machines I run on, so they are the same. Have fun with the 30DS and keep it up!

  6. That calorie burn is pretty similar to mine at that distance and pace! I found that it was my mileage that often got off with that app...

  7. Your pace ROCKS! I agree with Mel that the Garmin is def more accurate than RunKeeper but I really never had any troubles with MapMyRun or the Nike Running app either. Calorie burn is hard to tell- it all depends on your weight, heart rate, etc. I really truly believe we can never know the EXACT amount. General rule is 10 cals burned per minute....

  8. I just found you through a comment you left on Darci's post haha and I am loving your blog :) And also loving the "My Body" song you recommended! Looking forward to following your journey! You can read about mine at!
