
Monday, August 13, 2012

Fun, Family, Full!

After being MIA for the past couple days, I'm back and ready to share how wonderful my weekend was.

For anyone that knows me, you know that the desire to move back to my hometown of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania is at the top of my list -but probably not going to happen anytime soon. :(  So, in the meantime, I just live for the long weekend trips we can make up there.
-which is just what we did this past weekend!

I didn't run or work out the whole time we were there (Thursday-Sunday) and my eating habits weren't as great and healthy as I have been doing, BUT, I am pleased to report that I only gained a pound.
I was at 185 this morning when I weighed.

I just wanted to share with y'all how awesome my weekend was with my family!
First of all, we (my husband, son and I) stayed at my mom's with my sister, her husband and their newborn! (my 1-month-old niece, Claire!!) Not to mention, my brother, his wife and their daughter (my 21-month-old niece, Camdyn) came over quite a bit. So we all spent loads of time together!
Then, on Saturday, we celebrated my Pap's 80th birthday (as well as a few other birthdays and some graduations!) It was the first time in I don't know how long that ALL the "Beaver" grandchildren were other words, the whole entire family (except for like 1or 2 people) were there! It was AMAZING!!
Then, on Sunday, we stopped by to see my dad and spend some time with him!
And then went on to hang out with my mom's side of the family for the day. Where, again, all but a few people were there!

This weekend couldn't make me any happier!
Check it out...

all 12 of the Beaver grandchildren with Grandma and Pap
all the "Beaver" Great Grandchildren to date
the whole fam damily!!!
the "Dalby" Great Grandchildren with Great Granddad and Nana
my mom with her grand babies!
my sweet and amazing little family!
me with my guys!
Hope your weekend was as great as mine!!


  1. Your family looks so fun! And good job for only gaining one pound. I was baddd over the weekend...I'm going to give myself a few days before I weigh myself. :)

  2. Glad you had a great weekend with your family and extended family! Some great pictures taken! I love the last picture with you and your handsome men :) You look beautiful!

  3. Oh, how I wish we could repeat this every weekend (although, I don't know that my energy level or my waistline could've handled it)! We are truly blessed!!!
