
Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So, I'm super stoked that the Luke Bryan/Jason Aldean concert is NEXT FRIDAY!!!!!

Not so stoked that there is no way in hell I'll be reaching my goal of 170 by then!
(unless the good Lord above performs lypo on me whilst I sleep. But considering I referenced "hell" in the above statement, I'm strongly doubting an emergency lypo miracle.)

So, now, my new goal is to be in the 170's by next Thursday's "Thick Thursday" weigh-in.
Yep! 179.9 will even count!

Now, if you're paying attention,
Last ThickThursday I weighed in at 184.
After the weekend away, I weighed in at 185.
But I'm feeling good about a loss this week, so we'll see what my sweet little scale says tomorrow!
(perhaps if I talk ever-so-politely about that bitch she'll tell me a number I want to hear!)

I've taken about a week hiatus from any working out whatsoever, so tomorrow I start back on the C25K...I'll pick up at Week 3 Day 1.
And Jillian Michaels will be whipping my tail into shape with the 30 Day Shred.

Strangely, I'm SUPER excited to go all hardcore-like into this exercise regimen!

But then again... talk to me after tomorrow! :)


  1. Yes, Kyra.. Let's go hardcore! After taking a week off, the pounds will drop quick by adding in cardio again.

    And I'm so jealous that you get to see my boyfriend, Jason! :)

    1. I'm totally ready!!

      And My boo, Luke never told me you and Jason were dating! ;) we'll totally have to double date stat!
