
Monday, May 6, 2013

Quick Weekend Recap

This will be short and sweet just like me!

This past Friday at about 11 am, I decided I couldn't stand to wait another month to make a trip back home to PA.
My homesickness was seriously getting the best of me!
I called my husband in tears and he encouraged me to go.

Royce and I were on the road by 12:30pm and found ourselves in PA by 5:30!

We went straight into town where my brother was going to be walking in high heels.
What?!?! That doesn't sound normal to you??
It was the first annual Men in High Heels walk to benefit a woman in need organization!
There was no way I was going to miss that!
It was actually very encouraging to see so many men supporting and standing up for women in need!

But don't you worry!

Even with a last minute trip home, I still managed to get in my 30 Day Shred.
Sure I had to stream it on my iPad since I couldn't work my mom's DVD player
And I had to contend with my 19 month old thinking ab work was actually crawl and play on mommy time
But I got it done!
#4MChallenge, baby!!

I got to see lots of family which always warms my heart!

And these may have been eaten...

So glad it all worked out!!
Man, I miss "home"!!


  1. The Sheetz picture is making my mouth water. I haven't had their pickle chips, but I love pretty much everything about Sheetz! I am originally from PA and like you get so homesick for it too!

    The Pinot Project

  2. I'm glad that you made it home! Most of my family lives in PA. :)

    The Grass Skirt Blog

  3. Sounds like a good weekend! My 17 month old thinks push ups are hilarious and she would come in and crawl on me while I was doing push ups. I guess she thought I needed the extra weight! Good for you for getting it done!

  4. I love some fried pickles. Seriously love!

  5. That's so great you can hop in the car and drive home on a whim and with Royce too! Way to go getting that JM workout in, I don't even try it when my kids are awake b/c I'm pretty sure I might accidently hit them when I'm swinging the weight around. Glad you had a good weekend!

  6. Great job keeping up with ol' Jillio! That's how it's done :)

  7. I'm so glad you got to go home for a short weekend. I know that sometimes it's just what is needed, and nothing can fix it like that. Love you lady!
