
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekends are always the Best!

It's true!!
Every Memorial Day weekend is always full with stuff going on, and I love it all!!

This weekend was no different!
We went into the weekend not really having set plans, but plans evolved nonetheless!

Saturday, we went to my husband's cousin's wedding.
I am a SUCKER for matching attire to a wedding (or any dress up event, really!)
My husband rolls his eyes and vocally expresses his "annoyance" with it, but secretly I think he likes it just as much as I do! ; )
This was Memorial Day weekend so Red, White, and Blue as our coordinated colors were a no-brainer!

And just cos I think this is's one of the outtakes of our little "photo shoot" to get the beautiful picture above!
This sums US up perfectly!!

Sunday, we were busy grocery shopping, getting the house cleaned, etc as we had planned a spontaneous cookout at our house.
(Spontaneous as in this was decided about 4 pm Saturday evening!)

My husband's entire family lives within a 2 mile radius, so they all came over to our house for an outdoor, backyard cookout.
Complete with burgers, hot dogs, chips and dips, fruit, cupcakes, s'mores, sprinklers and sparklers!
I was too busy having a good time so I only managed to get a pic of the kids enjoying the sprinkler!

Monday, we headed to the lake.
(Another decision made about 4 or 5 pm the day before!)

A family of close friends to my husband's family have a house up at the lake with a 2-story dock that I love!!
We set up Royce's little kiddie pool up on the top deck while momma enjoyed some brewskis, sun, and fun!

Such a good weekend and I am now officially ready for summa summa summa-time!!

Now, surfer dude, Royce says "Have a great day and don't forget to HANG LOOSE!"


  1. What a fun weekend! I love the blue dress!

  2. Y'all look a cute on the red white and blue and btw you look hot!!

  3. UM you are rocking that bikini! And your family is SO SO cute. Sounds like a great weekend!

  4. Sweet lord - please mail me your ADORABLE son, and the blue maxi dress. Today. That is all :)
