
Friday, May 10, 2013

Level 1 Complete

It is May 10th, my friends!
Which means I have 10 days of the 30 Day Shred under my belt.
Moving on to Level 2!

I've woken up every week day by 6 am and put in the work.
Which means I've also been in bed every week night by 9:30 pm.

I made time throughout my crazy whirlwind, last minute trip to PA last weekend to get it done.

I can't lie though...
Last Sunday, I contemplated missing that day. But I kicked those nasty thoughts cos baby got back and got my shred on at 7pm.
Monday morning, Royce was up at 5:40am screaming and crying. (teething is the devil!) So I brought him out to the couch with Mickey on the iPad so I could get my date with Ms. Michaels in.
On Tuesday morning, I contemplated sleeping in and getting to it later. But I knew that when "later" came, I wouldn't want to do it then.
Yesterday morning I wasn't as eager to get out of the bed, but I got out. One foot on the floor at a time!

You know what slaps me out of the don't wants?
Sure, I want the results.
And I know how awesome I feel when it's done.
But putting that gold star on my completed day...THAT'S what makes my ass stick to it every day.
That 3.6 miles instead of 5 on Wednesday was due to the thunderstorm. I plan to make up for it on Saturday!
That sense of accomplishment when I put that sticker on my calendar is really monumental for me.
(Ok, and I'm a total nerd that loves checking off items on a to do list!)
The pride of knowing that I'm making the effort and working for the results that I want.

I LIVE for a goal to work towards.
Something to train for.
It's what gets me moving.
What gets me to wake up in the morning!

I cannot say thank you enough to you ladies (Love you, Team KLM!!) that got this challenge up and going.
For getting the ball rolling by saying you'd do this with me so I could be held accountable!

And I'm stoked to have everyone else along for the ride getting their workout on and getting those results!!

So tell me, cos I'm dying to know...
How is the #4MChallenge going for YOU?!?!

And don't forget, you have till Saturday night to enter our Mother's Day Giveaway!


  1. Great job kicking those "don't wants" in the face! I did 3 days this week - not my best but I did work around work dinners, last minute errands etc. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out today, so as soon as I'm feeling up to it...I'll be back at it!

  2. You are doing awesome! I love that calendar. I might have to make one myself! Sorry about the teething baby... We are doing that too. No fun!

  3. You are amazing! I got three random days in last week. I think I am going to start over tomorrow. And I am going to have to try the gold start trick. Great job!

  4. You are amazing! I got three random days in last week. I think I am going to start over tomorrow. And I am going to have to try the gold start trick. Great job!
