
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Color Me Rad

Why hello there.
It is I, Kyra, writer of this blog.

I don't know what's gotten in to me.
I just said "F you" to social media for the past couple of days.
And not because I was pissed off at anything someone posted.
Although some people do annoy the shit out of me with their postings. #facebookhater
I just didn't feel like checking in...on blogs, on emails, on FB...even on IG!! (Gasp!! Say it ain't so!!)

So I didn't.

I would like to say thanks to all of you that commented on my post from last Tuesday in regards to my thoughts and feelings on the Boston Marathon. While my thoughts were a mess and my emotions all over, I enjoyed reading your sweet, understanding and like-minded comments. 

So, today, I'm posting.
Tomorrow, no guarantees!

On Saturday, Royce and I did the Color Me Rad 5k.
2 of my gal pals joined us and we had a blast!

Who doesn't love a good B&A?!?!

I pushed Royce in his stroller and threw a sheet over him when we went through the color spots..
But the color throwers were very respectful and didn't go all out on the lady with a baby.
We both rocked our homemade #BostonStrong shirts!
Next time, I think I'd like us both to be a little more colorful!!

We walked the entire thing. And just laughed and talked!
Bam!! Look at that time!
It was Royce's first ever 5k so at least somebody PR'd!

And that's all for today, folks!
Short and sweet just like me!


  1. haha! Royce got a PR, that's hilarious and a great idea! Good for you for getting out there...glad you're back and jealous you get to meet Mexican Meredith this weekend!!!!

  2. Hahaha!! Royce and I could hang together in our runs!!
    So excited for tomorrow! :)
