
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday and Shiz


Well hello there.
Let's not beat around the bush.
I'm stoked.
I kicked my plateau's ass and shoved this number in it's face this morning!
And dude, the scale totally read 158.2 when I first stepped on it.
Got off to get my phone to snap a pic, stepped back on...158.2.
Leaned down a tad to take a pic...158.8.
Stood back up straight and zoomed in on the camera and still 158.8.
Of course I got on and off a couple times and it wouldn't budge from 158.8.
Damn you, .6!!
Buh-bye, 160's!!


In semi-related news...
I got my hands on these little gems:
I think someone, somewhere, out there...whether on their blog or IG mentioned these delicious things.
And to you, THANK YOU!!
I am a pop-tart loving wench and these things hit the spot!
And at only 100 calories for 2 crisps!
They have Strawberry, Cinnamon & Brown Sugar, and Chocolate as well.
I will be getting the other kinds.

And I've totally been obsessed with drinking my Sleepytime Vanilla tea at night.
I really feel like chamomile "knocks me out with one shot for the rest of the night"
(Come on...Anyone?!?! Salt N Pepa...What A Man?!?! 
Yes, you in the back in your sweat pants, sports bra and du-rag...Thank you!)
But seriously...I know chamomile is known for it's calming and soothing ability but this shit literally puts me to bed in no time.
I feel like I found the new Nyquil.
Is it all in my head, or is chamomile totally a sleep drug?!?


More semi-related news...
Guess who's started voluntarily walking 4-6 miles a night, buying spinach and eating more salads?!?!
My hubby-poo!!
I think it's cos he sees the changes in me and it's inspired him.
Whatever it is, It's pretty awesome!!

He's also been, uh, all about dat ass...
He's never given me a hard time about my chubbiness.
But I've noticed that as the weight comes off, so do my clothes.
If you know what I mean...
And I get it.
But it's a weird concept...
like it's a compliment but kind of a diss to the old fat you at the same time.

Let me just warn said husband who said, and I quote, "If you lose any more weight, I won't have anything to grab..."
Wow, honey! That's so sweet of you considering all women love for their significant other to comment on their itty-bitty-titties.

Bitch better work his ass off after this incident!


And onto unrelated news...
I won a giveaway!!
(I mean, so what if the giver just ended up choosing everyone that entered cos she's just so darn amazeballs like that! I still "won", dammit!)

My bestie, (no really...we're totally besties....we count everything we have in common and both equally love and we're currently at about 300,000 reasons we're besties!!)  Marcia at Year: Twenty-Nine had a giveaway when she reached 50 followers

Her giveaway consisted of her favorite things so I knew then and there that I couldn't wait to get this package!!!!

This is how she addressed my package!! LOVE
All the goods!

Febreze car freshener, Aloe infused socks and some Whole Foods chapstick

Cinnamon Sugar Pita chips, PB2 sample packet, Chocolate Almond Butter, Calm tea and an Energizing tea
Ok, so, I had JUST almost bought a bag of those Cinnamon Pita chips a few days before receiving this package but didn't since I'd never had them.
I have also been dying to get my hands on some PB2 (our Walmart doesn't have it. #damnsmallasstownproblems) and I simply cannot wait to try it!

And lastly...Carbonated White a can...with a straw.... I die!
So, I think that puts us up to about 343, 267 reasons we're besties now!
Go check her out and show her some love so she'll do another giveaway that I we can win!!


  1. my husband has been the same way! I feel like he's constantly touching me! haha! it's like as soon as he gets home... silly men! haha! Congrats on your loss!!!!!

  2. Wohooo! Congrats on hitting under 160 - and all the extra "naked time". And, yay - so glad you liked your box :)

  3. YAY for a great loss and a super fun win.

  4. Good job lady! I've Ben wanting to try those crisps!!!

  5. How awesome about that giveaway!! I will totes check out her bloggity!!
    Also, I think we could be BFFs too. Not to sound creepy (and you can email me) but where in VA do you live? We are driving to NC in march, and how cool would a lunch date be if doable?!

  6. I need to try those pastry crisps. In general I'm gluten/grain-free from breakfast up until dinner, but when I get home from work I feel like ripping through the pantry. Maybe a hit in the afternoon will help!

    Congrats on your loss this week, and the spousal attention! :)

  7. I broke through into 150's this week too! Hell yeah! Keep up the good work :)

  8. stopping by from the link up. Awesome girl!! Those crisps are amazing!! I love the chocolate ones!

  9. CONGRATSSSS on the loss!

    I love ALL things special k..seriously, so good.
    Also, lovely to hear about your hubby!!

  10. I totally wanna try the cinnamon chips and PB2 but like you - #smalltownproblems aha. When I get back to my bfs place in the "big city" i will be on the hunt! congrats on the loss. totally hate when the scale does that . im like WHAT?! YOU JUST SAID .5 LOWER! aha. I step on and off and on and off. Its bad ahah

  11. Nice job on the loss and getting into the 150's!! I don't know about the whole sleepy-time tea because I don't drink that, BUT I drink Peppermint Tea and it relaxes me so much... love it!

  12. Yay for getting into the 150s!!!! And heck yeah for winning a giveaway!!!
