
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday 2.27.13

Good morning you fine ladies!!
(Please excuse me if you are a dude reading this. I do not mean to leave you out, but I also truly do not believe a male is out there reading this. If you are...HI! I love you! Tell me you're here so I don't rudely leave you out next time!!)

Ok, so where were we, ladies?!? ;)
Oh's that time of the week that we all either love or hate.

I can't lie...I'm loving it right now!
I saw 155 on the scale this morning...down 2 pounds from last week.
And down 35 pounds since starting this journey 7 months ago.

Here's what I'm currently doing at the moment to shed the weight...

Still training for my Half using the Hal Higdon Novice 2 training plan (and I seriously love it!)
I'm in Week 11 which tells me one thing...that half mary is right around the corner!
"Stoked" does not even describe!

I'm also just really strict on eating well as of late.
Skinny Meg posted this little diddy on IG a week or so ago.

So, by my calculations, I should be eating 1635 calories a day plus half of the workout cals I burn.
I already had mine set at 1500 so I stuck with that but have been more diligent on eating back half of the calories I burn on my run (workout).

It's so crazy to wrap your head around eating MORE when you're trying to lose weight, but it works.
(Well, as long as the more of what you eat is healthy...that doesn't mean more BK Whoppers or Arby's curly fries or cake...mmmmmmmmmm. Cake)
And I eat basically every 2-3 hours.

I did, however have a NSF (Non-scale FAILURE)
As most of you know, Operation Red Bikini is in full effect.

I decided that I was going to go with a sexy-fied one piece.
And I'm totally into fringe.
So I found this simple, yet fun and flirty for 30 suit:
Cute, right?!?
...on her!
See, mama has some love handles.
They're not as bad as they used to be (35 pounds ago...)
But I still got 'em.
It's one of those things that I feel I'll always have. No matter how much weight I lose.
Just like my stomach will never be flat.

So when I tried this suit on, the love handles stood out.
Poor hubs...I asked him if it looked bad.
He knows I appreciate an honest answer, so he graciously told me,
"Well, it doesn't look good."
I looked in the mirror and saw it wasn't the most flattering suit, but I needed someone else to tell me it wasn't the perfect suit for my body.
So back I go to return it.
And the hunt is still on for my sexy one-piece!

Yesterday it poured with rain all day.
3 miles was on my agenda but due to the rain, I decided to try the treadmill interval workout that I've seen on Pinterest and that Elle Noel raves about.
I did not get bored at all and the 30 minutes FLEW by.
After I'm done with the Half, I may try to incorporate this at least once into my weekly running routine.
(I adore running outside, so that's why I'm only willing for one day out of the week!!)
But I'd like to reconfigure it a tad to make it a touch more challenging for me, personally.

I'm also super excited about this Fila shirt I just ordered from Kohl's
It's only $8.00 here!

I think this will be what I wear as my top layer for my half.
(Cos sadly I don't think it's going to be but so warm on March 9th in Pennsylvania...GAH!! Is anyone else ready for some spring weather?!?)
Of course, my second layer will be my customized Ruffles With Love shirt...I promise to post a pic just as soon as I get it.
(UGH!! I'm so anxious to get it!)

Welp...I do believe that's all for now!
Have a fantastic day, my dears!


  1. Oops .....Meg's formula. I'm doing 1200 calories and eating like a bug and am not budging 145. Love the bathing suit!

  2. Oh my gosh. I tried one of those type bathing suits on last year and it is like it makes your love handles 10X's worse!!! They are the worst! Good luck finding one! last year I had a 1 shoulder 1 piece and I loved it. Hopefully it'll look even better this year!

  3. I LOVE that swimsuit....hate that it didn't work for you. I have no doubt it wouldn't work for me either! I would LOVE to find a sexy one piece though...much better than my mom tankini. great job on the loss!

  4. congrats on the weight loss this week! I like the treadmill workout, but I'm just very slowly getting back into running, and can't maintain those speeds just yet....but maybe I'll try a modified version...I do think that switching it up every minute or so does make it so much less boring!

  5. Awesome loss! It's that suit's fault - it has built in pockets for love handles!

  6. Cute swimsuit but I dont think it would be flattering on anyone. Great job on your loss!

  7. Great job on your loss! That is an adorable top from Kohl's! I don't shop there enough and need to get on it. Can't wait to see your ruffles with love top!

  8. Great job on another good week! I absolutely love that shirt you ordered for your half. I think Pete would kill me if I bought another piece of workout wear, but I might just take the risk. :) I have yet to try on swimsuits and I'm scurred! I am also rocking the love handles! :-/

  9. Oh my gosh, congratulations!!! And that top is so cute and $8, what?!

  10. Wow skinny Minnie! I need to get on track or I'm not going to be able to stand next to you next month!! Oh, love handles ... Got them too. I hate them. I wouldn't be able to do that suit either!!

  11. What a cute swimsuit. I hope you find another one that you love. Week 11 of training. How exciting . YOU are doing great and it's almost time!

  12. Yeah for that loss!! And I love that shirt so cute!!
