
Monday, February 11, 2013

Lazy Monday

Hey hey hey!!

It's Monday....

My weekend was wonderful....we did absolutely nothing!
I went for my long run (per usual) on Saturday, and then a friend from Richmond and her boo came by for a little visit on Sunday.
Lazy and oh-so-good weekend.

So, since there's really not much to talk about from this weekend...
(other than some running, which I will post about tomorrow but thought it was too much on a boring Monday! You're welcome!)
...I figured I'd blog about this little gem!!


Yep! These Popular-Ass Hoes are doing a giveaway for reaching 1,000 followers!
That's a potential for 3 separate winners!
But seeing as how it's kind of fate for me to win all 3...
  • I have a few Target items in my online shopping cart and that $50 gift card would totes cover it.
  • I just emailed Hubby Jack to put me on his March design list, so making that shit free would be AWESOME!
  • I've got mad Thank You notes to write to my generous people for my birthday gifts.
So go find both of these lovely ladies and enter the giveaway!!
And promise not to get mad at me when I win all three!!

Thanks again, Holly and Kristen!!


  1. I am gonna try to run a kick ass 1 mile like you did over the weekend! Tomorrow, it's on!

  2. Wow, look at you! I wish I knew how to cheat Rafflecopter just to hook you up because of this sweet post. I will make sure you have a bomb ass giveaway. :)
