
Friday, December 28, 2012

Random quickie anyone?!?

A few coworkers were commenting on my weight loss the other day so I was telling them that I'm running a lot and training for a half marathon.
One coworker said, "But how does your fat not jiggle when you run?"
She wasn't referring to my fat specifically cos I would have bitch slapped her into next Tuesday. 
She was explaining how she doesn't like to run cos she just feels like all her fat is steadily bouncing up and down with each stride.
My reply, "Oh, you gotta spandex the shit outta your blub so it can't move!"

Exhibit A
However, lately, the yoga pants I'm wearing to run aren't staying up as well so my fat is flapping in the wind.
Me no likey.
A post on expensive but very necessary running gear is in the works...

And, on a completely different note...
I want this nail polish for New Years Eve!!!!
The girl that posted it only wrote "Double Tap" but I don't know if that's the name of the color cos I can't find it on the OPI website. And a million people asked what the name of the color was, but no answer.
So I am on the hunt!

Any of you fine ladies have any clue what this nail polish is called or where I could possibly find it?!?!

PS...I have no NYE plans set currently. (My husband doesn't like to go anywhere!!) but regardless...I NEED this color in my NYE life!

Happy Friday, Y'all!!!


  1. Hi Kyra, I love the blog and your dedication. I too am embarking on my own weight loss journey and I'll be glad to encourage you and offer tips and receive them as well. I'm in training to be a wellness/weight loss coach. In the past 3 months I've shed about 30lbs and haven't been as dedicated as you clearly have. Also my associate who has had 4 babies and wanted to lose that weight has indeed shed 40lbs in roughly the same amount of time. You can read her story at and mine at I'll leave you with this it's 80% food/nutrition and 20% sleep and exercise. If we ignore either side of that equation we won't get the results we're looking for. Anyway, keep it up and I'll be watching your posts and cheering you on!

    1. Thanks so much, Tom! I completely agree with your 80/20...and currently I am doing 100% horribly!! : )
      30 ponds in 3 months is awesome! I'm almost down 30 pounds but it's been almost 6 months for me!
      Keep up the good work!!

  2. Girl, hit up tjmaxx or Marshall's for some cheap stuff! I have gotten under armor pants for 19.99, Nike thermal running shirts for 24.99 and even my Nike running jacket for 20!! The hind brand is pretty awesome & warm and they have shirts for 12.99!!

    1. Very good to know! Thanks, Kim! There's so many things I want in the way of running gear and accessories! I will totally check out those stores!

  3. I loooveeeeee that nail polish... we are staying in this year... I got steaks and stuff so it should be fun... Jonathan and I will probably just get drunk at our house haha! have a good one!

  4. I love the color of those yoga pants, Kyra! Happy New Year!
