
Monday, December 10, 2012

Half Marathon Training

One week from today.

Some of you may have just crapped your pants thinking I was implying that Christmas was one week away!
But, now that you've checked your calendar to be sure you've indeed got 2 more weeks for that; clean yourself up and let's get back to the matter at hand.

One week from today I will start my half marathon training!
I am super stoked.
If you've been keeping track, you know I'm one of those people that need a goal and a plan.
Anything else is just disorganized! :)

I've decided to follow the Hal Higdon's Novice 2 Plan to get me on my merry Half way!
I might have to change the days up a bit to what works with my schedule.
But you better believe I'm getting ready to print out my calendars for the next 3 months so I know exactly what to do on each day!
(How many of you unorganized biznatches are rolling your eyes at me right now?!?!)

I also have to admit that I'm excited for the Rest Days.
No, not because I'm a slacker.
(ok, perhaps maybe a little....)
But because, when I get on an organized exercise plan, I usually never rest.
My mind can't wrap around the fact that rest days are vital and pretty key in a training program.
So, I'm excited to utilize the rest days and make this training program my bitch!

I need a kickass Playlist for this journey.
What songs get you pumped and which tunes pull you through!

Elle Noel and Mama Laughlin have some pretty banging playlists that I will be printing out, highlighting the ones I want and then downloading them.
(Highlighting??? Really, Kyra?!?!? F yes!)

And this little diddy is constantly stuck in my head and gets me PUMPED so it will be going on my playlist

You're welcome.

What's on your playlist?

1 comment:

  1. If I'm working out, I HAVE to have Lady Gaga "Born This Way" on my playlist! It just does it for me :) But for the rest of the tunes, they all get boring after awhile so I'm looking for a new playlist too! Proud of you for doing a Half Marathon! You're fuggin awesome, you and your organized self! <3 :)
