
Friday, November 30, 2012

November recap/Thick Friday


So, I've talked about participating in the POTM (Pile on the Miles instead of the pounds) challenge for November.
I pledged to run 60 miles this month and drum roll.....
I ran 45 miles.
Would have been cool to complete the 60, but hey 45 ain't bad!

In other news, I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving morning with my husband, brother-in-law, cousin, and best friend.
(And I could kick myself for not taking a group pic. I didn't even get a pic of my bib! See...this is why I'm a bad blogger!)
What I DID get was my best time!
Going into the race, I so badly wanted to get under 29 minutes but seriously doubted it would happen.
But BAM!
I was quite pleased with that time!

And yet another piece of good news!
Weighed in at 167 today!
That means I completed a goal!
I just wanted to be in the 160's at the end of November!
My measurements stayed the same so I won't even bore you with those specs!

And just cos I'm sure y'all miss seeing my hot ass mess, check me out!
My little family went out and about in the next town over so I had to spruce myself up!
(Read: I actually got a shower and did my makeup.)
((And Royce says you're welcome for his cameo appearance below!))
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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on hitting your weight goal AND running the Turkey Trot! You're doing great!
